Ultra Tune in Australia

Ultra Tune is Australia’s largest car servicing franchise, with over 270 outlets across the country. Led by Sean Buckley Ultra Tune provides both private and fleet motorists with a full range of services, each designed to be performed in a structured series of operating procedures which ensure faster, more efficient and performance enhancing servicing.

Ultra Tune is proud to offer a complete range of options including:

  • Car servicing
  • Car repairs
  • Log book servicing
  • Manufacturers handbook servicing
  • Brakedown cover
  • Tyres and parts

Have a look at our locations and some of our fantastic franchises:

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Sean Buckley: Inteview with Peter Maniatis

Sean Buckley from Ultra Tune is interviewed by boxing promoter Peter Maniatis to discuss the recent success of Randy ‘Ultratune’ Petalcorin in this Channel 31 special. In this episode Peter asks Sean about his experiences in boxing and how Randy has made an impact in such a short time, not only in Asia but across the world.

Sean Buckley said he is ‘so thrilled that he won the world title’ and Randy is ‘very dedicated’ to training and gaining success, having struggled through adversity in the Philippines.

Peter also interviews Rod Cedaro, General Manager at Altitude Services, who are currently working with training Randy Petalcorin. Altitude Services are moving into different areas of training, whilst still training horses at altitude they are diversifying and implementing equipment for elite athletes. This includes a huge 3500m swimming pool cover in Queensland, in order to allow athletes in Australia the opportunity to train at altitude without flying overseas to a high altitude area such as Colorado. Find out more in the video below!

Peter and Sean discuss the elements of what makes someone a success and what their motivators are. Sean Buckley emphasizes how important it is to have passion and drive to be successful. He also discusses Spring Carnival and his thoughts on who to follow in 2014.  Watch the video to find out who he is watching this season! 


Mares pregnant at Widden Stud

At Sean Buckley’s Widden Stud is it an exciting time as the breeding season is now in full swing and several winning mares are pregnant.  Widden Stud are in the envious position of standing two of the hottest sire prospects of 2014 in Champion 3yo Shamus Award and Champion 3yo sprinter Zoustar.

Zoustar and Shamus Award’s approach and performance in their new careers has been absolutely exemplary. Both young stallions are incredibly popular and we’re thrilled to announce that we have a number of mares already with pregnancies including Group winner FUDDLE DEE DUDDLE (Zoustar) and Group One winner PERFECT PROMISE (Shamus Award) ,” said Widden’s Antony Thompson.
“Thankfully, like they did in their race careers, these two fine young stallions haven’t let us down. At this early stage they both have excellent libido and are proving exceptionally fertile.“

Find out more about this exciting news here

Sean Buckley Shamus Award
Shamus Award
Sean Buckley Zoustar

Sean Buckley Video

Sean Buckley is an Australian businessman and entrepreneur, who has had great success as executive chairman of Ultra Tune. This popular Australian company has over 270 franchises and is still growing – having recently expanded into tyre fitting. Ultra Tune is one of Australia’s largest car servicing companies, which also offers car fleet, fleet management, roadside assistance and towing.  Sean Buckley is passionate about sports, in particular horse racing; having founded Ultra Thoroughbred Racing, who have had huge success with well-known racehorses Shamus Award and Miss Culminate among others.