Rod Cedaro attends the Mumbrella Marketing Summit 2017

Ultra Tune Business Development Manager Rod Cedaro told an audience at Mumbrella’s Automotive Summit, “The empowerment there was they [the women] actually were forward-thinking enough to actually exit the car”.

“We don’t see a problem with the ad, we get very very good cut through with the ads,” Rod Cedaro noted, drawing attention to the fact only one complaint to the Ad Standards Board was upheld and contending it was only “banned on a technicality”.

The “technicality” was the implication the women died once being hit by the train.

The ad was then re-cut to show the women walking away from the accident.

“Servicing a car isn’t the most engaging thing you could do and the fact that I am sitting here, talking to you about the ads and Kmart’s not, probably shows that we are getting a bit more cut through,” the national marketing manager noted.

“I don’t want to berate Kmart, but who remembers a Kmart ad versus Jean Claude Van Damme?

“All of our ads are designed to get cut through, are they controversial? Yes and no,” he continued.

“You have got a choice and year-on-year 19% growth would suggest we are getting the cut through from the ads.

“I look at Ultra Tune these days as really a marketing company that happens to service cars.”

Read more on this discussion at the Mumbrella Automotive Summit here